Northwest Bus Sales has a large, rotating inventory of new and used shuttle buses for hotels, motels, and other hospitality companies looking for passenger vehicles. Our shuttle buses are available at a wide range of passenger capacities, mileages, and special features, with many vehicles perfect for hotel guest transportation.

New and Used Hotel Shuttle Buses for Sale

Based in the Northwest, our new and used hotel shuttles are available to fit any hospitality organization’s budget and passenger demand. If you find that a shuttle bus is not large enough for your business, feel free to contact us about any of our coach buses, transit buses, or trolley buses for sale.

Transportation to Restaurants, Attractions, and Hubs

Help your guests get the most out of their stay with shuttle transportation to local restaurants, attractions, and hubs like airports, bus stations, and town centers.

Affordable Prices and Financing Options

Get started with any one or more of our affordable hotel shuttle buses by asking Northwest Bus Sales about commercial financing options.

Shuttle Buses with Wheelchair Access and Other Amenities

To accommodate every kind of guest, many of our shuttle buses are sold with handicap access, room for wheelchairs, and areas to stow away luggage.

At Northwest Bus Sales, we are here to help.

Hotel transportation managers and anyone else interested in one of our shuttle buses for sale may contact a member of our team to get started. If you have questions about our company or any of our new and used passenger vehicles, please contact Northwest Bus Sales today at 800-231-7099!

Our shuttle buses are priced to sell, with commercial financing options available for hotel fleet purchases!