When you decide to host an event of any size, it is crucial to keep accessibility in mind. This means accommodating the needs of people with disabilities when planning or designing your event. You want to create an environment where everyone can fully participate and engage.
According to the CDC, 61 million adults in the United States live with a disability. As an event host and coordinator, you must ensure everything is accessible, no matter a person’s disability status.
Here are three ways to make your event more inclusive for all!
1) Address the Needs of Your Guests
Ensure there is an open line of communication between you and the attendees of your event. Allow people to express and inform you of their individual needs so you can prepare accordingly.
If you know a lot of people are coming in wheelchairs, you need to have proper ramps, seating, bathrooms, etc., to ensure everyone feels comfortable. If you have a deaf person attending, you will need to hire a sign language interpreter for any presentations or performances you are having.
Putting in the effort and time to understand the needs of your guests goes a long way and allows everyone involved to have a great experience.
2) Plan Inclusive Activities
Being left out can be a familiar and saddening feeling for someone with a disability. When planning your events activities, be sure that anyone in attendance could be included if they want to participate. Work with facilitators to ensure the rules and inner workings of the event are ADA-compliant, from competitions and games to award ceremonies and dances!
There is always a way to include everyone, and if you need help, ask people what would make the day’s events easier for them. People with a disability have a better idea of how certain activities can be made more enjoyable for them, and inquiring about their preferences shows you intend to make this event enjoyable for all.
3) Provide Safe Transportation
Having a bus or a shuttle system in place for your event is one of the most important things you can provide to get guests to and from everything safely and efficiently! A person with mobility challenges or fatigue will greatly appreciate the option of being shuttled around to the different parts of the event.
At Northwest Bus Sales, we have a wide selection of new and used buses perfect for your next event! Many of our buses are wheelchair accessible and specially designed to assist people with mobility issues.
Browse our inventory online or contact us at (800)231-7099 to inquire about our available buses and set your next event up for success!