It’s becoming increasingly common to convert a charter bus into a school bus or vice versa. Choosing the right bus for your project is the first crucial step in the bus conversion process. At Northwest Bus Sales, we sell high-quality new and used buses at affordable prices.
After you have your bus, it’s important to understand the tools you will need to complete your bus conversion before you begin working on it.
Here are some basic tools you’ll need to have on hand!
A Good Hammer
You’ll likely be using a hammer a lot on your bus conversion. We recommend procuring a hammer that can take a beating — durable and right for the job.
Sensible Tape Measure
Tape measures are great, but only if you can understand them; some are labeled with fractions that may seem foreign or proportions that are hard to understand. The last thing you’ll want to do during a bus conversion is solve math equations. So get a tape measure that works for you!
Top-Notch Angle Grinder
An angle grinder will be your go-to when you’re sawing off rusted bolts, and if you’re doing a conversion of an older bus, you’ll be doing a lot of that. So you’ll want an angle grinder that you know will get the job done.
One Size Fits All Utility Knife
A utility knife with a retractable blade is a must for any bus conversion, as you’ll need to carry it with you along the process. You’re going to cut a lot, so make sure it can cut well!
Safety Equipment
This might not be considered a ‘tool,’ but it’s important to be prepared with the proper safety equipment to protect yourself. We suggest gloves, safety glasses, and earplugs.
With these tools in hand, you’ll be ready to begin the conversion!
Get your bus project started today at Northwest Bus Sales by reaching out to (800)231-7099 or browsing our inventory online.