Public transportation is a staple in every community, even though many people don’t realize it. There are many ways you can personally benefit from using public transportation. Not owning or as frequently using a car, for example, can save you a lot of money. You’ll have extra downtime to relax, which is difficult to come by in our work-oriented society. Plus, using public transit gets your body moving as you walk between bus stops and destinations. But perhaps even more important than the individual advantages public transportation has to offer, are the larger-scale benefits it offers the locality in which… Read more »
Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue among Americans 18 and older? Nearly 20% of the U.S. population suffers from anxiety every year—that’s approximately 40 million people! There are a lot of different triggers that produce anxiety symptoms in different people. Although you may not hear it about it as much, public transportation is a common source of anxiety for many individuals. The lack of control, being surrounded by strangers, navigating unfamiliar routes and schedules, and being in a confined space can all contribute to a fear of public transit. If public transportation is… Read more »
Unless you’ve been blissfully living off the grid in isolation over the last several months, you’re likely very aware of and informed about coronavirus (COVID-19). The outbreak—which has officially been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization as of early March 2020—has upended everyday life as we know it for the foreseeable future. Many of us are experiencing a lot of anxiety and uncertainty during this time, unsure of what is or is not safe or morally responsible, especially when it comes to public travel. As a leading provider in the bus and transportation industry, we at Northwest… Read more »
Public transportation has revolutionized the way people travel and make their everyday commute. City buses and metros are usually cheap, convenient, and easy to navigate. They’re also an excellent energy and cost-efficient alternative to a car. The most important thing to remember when taking public transportation is that you’re sharing it with everyone around you! You need to respect those individuals as well as the public space and service you’re all using. Make sure you’re not the passenger that prompts a collective sigh of relief when you get off at your stop by practicing proper etiquette when it comes to… Read more »