How a bus stop looks and feels can largely impact your overall bus riding experience. Nothing beats frequent service to make transit more appealing, but if you must wait, small improvements like shelters and information about when the next bus is coming can make the wait feel shorter!
Here are a few ways to make your bus stop a better place for you and your community.
Create an Inviting Place
For this step, take inspiration from local parks and public spaces: why do you like to spend time there? Is it the benches? The tables? Or the general welcoming atmosphere? Whatever you think it is, add it to your bus stop. Maybe install a bench or table, so people can enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation while waiting for their bus. Or maybe more greenery, so it’s not a drab blight on the community and offers a sweet spot to sit.
Make the Stop Bike Friendly
We need to see our bus network connected to other transit systems, whether the subway or light rail (if available), private cars, or, most importantly, bikes. Many commuters use their bikes for the “last mile” ride home from the nearest bus stop, faster by wheel than foot. So, make your bus stop respond to that: try to encourage neighbors to get behind the installation of a bike rack, which can invite bike riders to use the stop more often. If you’re feeling creative, add a bike repair stall with an air valve for refueling!
Incorporate a Unique Feature
If you’re waiting for the bus, why not have a book you can read? Like a dentist’s office, it always helps to have reading material around to pass the time. Several bus stops nationwide now feature free libraries, where people take a book and leave a book. It can also be donation-based (because we all know we have some extra books lying around). Why not allow others to enjoy them?
Whatever your inspiration, improving your bus stop is a great community-building project that will allow you to meet your neighbors, work collaboratively, and create a space you all love.
At Northwest Bus Sales, we love hearing the different approaches to bus travel, which is why we offer a diverse inventory of models. Our wide range of buses are a perfect addition to your community’s transit system.
Contact us today at (800)231-7099 to learn more about our services and buses that have not hit our website yet