33207 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way, WA 98003

Category: School Buses

How to Keep Your School Buses Clean

A school bus that has been recently cleaned following proper procedures

With the number of children that ride the bus each day to and from school, messes are bound to be made, and germs are inevitably lurking on every surface. Drivers, janitors, and school bus fleet managers need to do what they can to keep buses clean and safe, not only for the children but for themselves. Here’s how to keep your school buses clean and safe for all passengers! Create a Bus Cleaning Plan A detailed bus cleaning plan will help bus drivers and maintenance crews keep their vehicles as clean and safe as possible. This plan should include a… Read more »

Get to Know the 4 Different Types of School Buses

4 School Buses in a Row Front-Facing Against Blurred Tree Backdrop

It would be a tough job to find anyone over the age of five in America who doesn’t know what a school bus looks like. With their big yellow frames and various flashing lights, they’re instantly recognizable to anyone on the road. What many people don’t know though is that there are actually quite a few different types of school buses that districts use. Let’s take a closer look at the four most common school bus models! Type A School Bus Often referred to as a conversion bus, a Type A school bus is either a converted van or constructed… Read more »

How To Become a School Bus Driver

New and Used School Buses for Sale

Although many people might not expect it, driving a school bus can be a rewarding career. School bus drivers make a decent salary, get good benefits, have a desirable schedule, and often find their work satisfying. Not to mention, there has been a consistent shortage of school bus drivers over the last few years, which means if you’re thinking about getting started now, you’ll have your pick of jobs and job security once you’re hired. Becoming a school bus driver is not as easy as just applying and showing a driver’s license though. Check out our overview of the trainings… Read more »

When Do Schools Stop Using Buses?

school bus fleet

There are almost 500,000 school buses out on the road all across the U.S. every year. These buses are used to pick kids up and take them to school before picking them back up and returning them home. They’re also used to transport athletic teams and to take school children on field trips. School buses are made to last for a long time while making it easy for school districts to get students wherever they need to be in the safest manner possible. How Long do Schools Uses Their Buses For? School bus companies don’t keep these buses around forever,… Read more »