33207 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way, WA 98003

Tag: Tips for Bus Businesses

Bus Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Fleet in Good Shape

Mechanic working on bus

When you run a bus service, your business is only as good as the vehicles in your fleet. This holds true whether you’re managing a local public transportation system, a private transportation business, or any other kind of bus charter operation. Staying on top of bus maintenance is the most important factor in passenger safety and, ultimately, the success of your business. This can be an overwhelming responsibility when you’re just getting started. But if you devise a plan for keeping up with regular maintenance and repair needs for your fleet, it will be much easier to assure your customers,… Read more »

Every Bus Driver You Hire Should Have These 5 Qualities

smiling bus driver

When you own or manage a bus business, one of the most important factors in your success is the team of bus drivers you have working for you. Once you’ve come up with your recruitment plan, you’ll need to narrow down which of the applicants will be able to safely and effectively fulfill the role. But when you’re interviewing a wide pool of individuals, how can you tell who will do well and who won’t live up to expectations? The answer is simple: knowing the qualities of a successful bus driver can help you choose the best person for the… Read more »