There are almost 500,000 school buses out on the road across the U.S. every year. These buses are used to pick kids up and take them to school before picking them back up and returning them home. They’re also used to transport athletic teams and to take school children on field trips. School buses are made to last for a long time while making it easy for school districts to get students wherever they need to be in the safest manner possible.
How Long Do Schools Use Their Buses For?
School bus companies don’t keep their buses around forever. They’ll usually update their buses once every 12 years or sooner if the bus exceeds 250,000 miles. They do this to ensure they use the safest buses outfitted with all the latest technological features. They also do it to keep school districts happy and to make sure they don’t get any complaints from parents about their kids riding on older buses.
What Are the Benefits of Buying a Used School Bus?
More often than not, the older buses schools decided to get rid of don’t have anything wrong with them. Therefore, if you’re in the market for a bus for a church group, an amusement park, or another organization, it’s not a bad idea to consider purchasing one and using it for your own purposes. Used buses are much less expensive than new buses and usually have plenty of life left in them. You can use one for shuttling large groups of people around for just a fraction of what it would cost to do it with a new bus.
At Northwest Bus Sales, we have a large selection of new and used school buses in great condition, along with coach and shuttle buses! Whether you need a bus for your business, organization, after-school program, traveling, special event, etc., we have safe and reliable options for everyone.
Contact us at (800)231-7099 for questions regarding our inventory or request more information online!